Welchen Einfluss haben verschiedene Endgeräte auf Key Performance Indicators im Rahmen der Suchmaschinenwerbung (SEA)?
Dieser Frage sind wir (Dr. C. Schultz und ich) in unserem neuesten Artikel „Differences across Device Usage in Search Engine Advertising“ im Sammelband Multi-Platform Advertising Strategies in the Global Marketplace (Herausgeber IGI Global/ Prof. Kenneth C. C. Yang (The University of Texas at El Paso, USA) nachgegangen.
Das komplette Buch erscheint im November 2017, sodass an dieser Stelle vorerst nur eine kurze Vorschau gegeben wird.
Das Buch “Multi-Platform Advertising Strategies in the Global Marketplace”
Im Folgenden die Kurzbeschreibung des Buches im Originallaut:
„In today’s multi-platform ecosystem, marketers rely on advertisements that can be accessed across multiple digital platforms to enhance audience engagement and outreach.
Advertisers are exploring the global impacts of social and mobile media as part of this integrated approach.
Multi-Platform Advertising Strategies in the Global Marketplace examines the international diffusion of multi-platform advertising communication practices in an increasingly globalized economy. Featuring coverage on relevant areas including cross-media, digital marketing, and consumer behavior, this extensive publication is suitable for researchers, marketers, advertisers, and business professionals interested in the global impacts of multi-platform media on the advertising industry.“
Das Buch behandelt u.a. folgende Themenbereiche:
- Advertising
- Big Data
- Consumer Behavior
- Cross-Media
- Cross-Platform Advertising
- Digital Marketing
- Multi-Platform Advertising
- Social Media
- Storytelling
- Virtual Reality
Die Forschungsfrage des Artikels lautet: „In particular, it aims to answer the question if the use of different devices affects the various performance indicators used in search engine advertising. The study confirms the prevalence of multiple devices in search engine advertising and shows some differences among them. These device differences need to be addressed when deciding on issues such as the advertising budget, bidding amount, and the structure of the search engine advertising campaign.“
Der Aufbau
Der Artikel ist wie folgt gegliedert:
„The first section provides some background on Internet and mobile usage in Germany. Then, the chapter introduces search engine advertising regarding the process, determining factors, evaluation, and existing research streams.
Afterwards, the usage of different devices in search engine advertising is addressed. Here, the hypotheses are derived and the data is presented, analyzed, and discussed. The chapter concludes with overall trends in search engine advertising.“
Die komplette Enzyklopädie ist hier für 205$ zu erwerben. Der Vollständigkeit halber hier die kompletten Angaben:
IGI Global:
- Title: Multi-Platform Advertising Strategies in the Global Marketplace
- Author(s)/Editor(s): Kenneth C. C. Yang (The University of Texas at El Paso, USA)
- ISBN13: 9781522531142
- EISBN13: 9781522531159
- URL: https://www.igi-global.com/book/multi-platform-advertising-strategies-global/179820
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